Find mental wellness and peace

Line Counseling provides counseling for individuals, couples, and families


What can counseling help with?



How It Works




Contact us to schedule a session. We want to listen to what you are going through and see how we can help.




We will schedule your first counseling session in our office (or we can meet virtually) with your counselor so we can go through a series of questions, tasks, and exercises and create goals together.




You and your counselor will continue to meet based on your goals and work on your path to mental wellness.


Don’t face your struggles alone.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the 15 minute consultation about?

Think of the 15-minute consultation as providing information to start a formal counseling session. This introductory meeting helps your counselor get to know you and understand what you are going through so he or she knows what process is best for you to start with. After learning more about you, we'll spend that time briefly describing what you can expect based on what we discussed. If you're seeking help for any transition or struggle, schedule your free consultation today.

What is the first counseling session like?

Many people come with high expectations for their first counseling session, and some are often disappointed when they don't feel any different after it's over. However, the best way your counselor can care for you is to know who you are fully before providing any guidance. In the first session, we typically ask questions about family relationships, personal upbringing, and specific difficulties you are experiencing. Line Counseling is a safe space to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions as everything is kept confidential so we encourage you to be as open and honest as you can be.

Do you have a cancellation policy?

All sessions have a free cancellation policy up to 24 hours before. We recommend canceling or rescheduling your session as far in advance as possible. Cancellations made within 24 hours of your appointment time (i.e. 3 hours before), you will be charged your session rate as a cancellation fee.

Scheduling appointments is very important for counselors. Counselors do not just wait and listen at the scheduled time, but prepare by considering the client's progress in treatment, reviewing what was covered in the previous session and setting the direction for the next session. The opportunity to provide that time to other clients will be lost if we do not get enough notice of a cancellation.

Does online counseling actually work?

Of course it does! Online counseling has been around for years, and it has especially gotten popular due to COVID-19. It's easy to access and saves time on commutes. While it does have its limitations, many counselors agree that it is still effective. For the best experience, we recommend face-to-face counseling as your counselor can pick up on subtle gestures and body language to collect additional information and understand you on an even deeper level. As you continue your counseling, you can do a mix of in-person and online counseling.

Do you accept health insurance for counseling?

Currently, Line Counseling does not accept health insurance. We will provide receipts in case you want to make a claim to the insurance company later.

How much is one counseling session?

Different counselors have different fees. Counselors with Texas licenses, including counselors at Line Couseling, charge a fee of $100 or more, depending on experience, but intern counselors charge less. All payments are automatically made after your counseling session when you set up your credit card in our Client Portal.



Contact us to receive a free 15 min consultation